Potential U — Personal Styling

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Hello, I hope this year has started off well for you.

I had the honour of being invited to the BBC to share my nuggets on how to improve our style this year….

How we dress matters, it not only affects how we feel about ourselves but how we are perceived. Stats tell us that first impressions are made within 4 seconds of meeting a person.

For a winning style personally or professionally, here are my 3 R’s to improving your style this year:

Review. Release. Restyle.


Most of us are “creatures” of habit, we tend to wear the same looks year in year out. We aren’t aware of what suits us, so we are inclined to stay within our comfort-zone.

Our trained personal stylist will empower you with skills for life by Reviewing your colours and bodyshape. We will equip you with how to wear colours that give your skin a natural youthful glow. We also teach you clothing styles that best flatter and complement your bodyshape and proportions.

Step out of your comfort zone and let us Review what complements you best with

a Colour and Bodyshape analysis


In nearly 11 years of styling clients and decluttering thousands of wardrobes, I’ve only seen 2 client wardrobes that weren’t overflowing with clothes. And ironically most of us only wear only 20% of our bulging wardrobes….

Are you hanging onto all those clothes for nostalgic reasons? Clothes that no longer fit or flatter you? Or perhaps they are dated or ill-fitting?

We will help you Release clothes in your wardrobe that don’t make you look or feel good.

Clear your space by booking a Wardrobe detox consultation and we will help you embrace a flattering capsule wardrobe this year:


Majority of us tend to wear clothing styles we are familiar with day in day out, which leaves little room for inspiration. Our personal stylists Restyle you by exploring and injecting something different into your wardrobe this year.

We save you time, stress and ensure you don’t waste money on clothes that do nothing to uplift you.

Try someone NEW! Restyle and make a great impression this year by booking some  Personal Shopping with us this season. 


**Connect with us today to Review, Release and Restyle your wardrobe this year**


Website: http://potential-u.co.uk/our-services.htm

Email:  Style@potential-u.co.uk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/PotentialUStylist

Twitter: @PotentialU