Potential U — Personal Styling

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Why you need to declutter your wardrobe….

We’ve had the best summer weather in years!

It's now time to focus on decluttering your Autumn/Winter wardrobe, so you can transition out of summer and into autumn effortlessly.

There are so many benefits of having a good Wardrobe detox at this time of the year; here’s why....

●      It’s cathartic. Letting go of the old you and fully embracing who you are now. Whether your size or your lifestyle has changed, it’s time to own  a wardrobe that truly reflects who you are today.


●      Expert advice. You have a trained wardrobe stylist (me) on hand, to guide you on what to keep and what to let go. I’ll ensure your wardrobe best serves you.


●      Confidence booster! Having a wardrobe of clothes that fit and flatter you best boosts your confidence tremendously. I have thousands of client testimonials that attest to this!


●      You can make money by reselling your unworn clothes, bags and shoes. I now offer this service. Your bank balance will be happy for it.


●      Having a capsule wardrobe of clothes saves you time and stress getting dressed. No more wasting time and fussing around. A wardrobe detox ensures you are ready for all occasions stress free.


●      You create space to see and wear the clothes you love. Most women wear 20% of their bulging wardrobe. Once decluttered you will wear 100% of it. Promise!


Book your Autumn/Winter wardrobe detox (in person or virtually) today:
