Potential U — Personal Styling

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Your Virtual Stylist!

Have you got somewhere to go and need a second opinion on how you look?
Bought a new outfit and not sure whether it flatters you or not?
Seen something online and need a stylists opinion before you purchase it?

Imagine having your own personal stylist at the touch of a button….a qualified professional who will guide on what looks good on you and what flatters your bodyshape.

Today sees the launch of Your Virtual Stylist: Potential U’s online style consultation.
Simply log onto Skype, connect with Your Virtual Stylist and let us create a fabulous new style for you!

Sessions are only £1 per minute (Minimum time is 10mins)

Sessions need to be pre-booked & pre-paid in advance
Online email enquires (10mins per each enquiry 3 links max)

Price offer ends 31st December 2010

No need to worry how you look.
Simply log online and let Your Virtual Stylist guide you to looking your best!

Book Your Virtual Stylist Today!
Email: Style@potential-u.co.uk
Call: 0208 689 7233 or 07956 907 153
Visit: www.potential-u.co.uk

*Download skype for free: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/windows/