3 ways to get ready for Autumn 2023

Hello, I hope you had a good Summer whether you were home or away.

As the season is changing. I don’t want you to stress or fuss about your style this season.

Here are 3 ways to get your wardrobes ready for Autumn fall 2023.

  1. Swap!

It’s time to swap your summer wardrobe to Autumn/fall. Clearing out your wardrobe and making space for the new season makes getting dressed an easier stress-free experience.


  1. Wardrobe Staples

To own a timeless style, you need your Autumn Winter capsule wardrobe. These are wardrobe staples you will love and wear that never date. Wardrobe staples should make up 80% of your wardrobe.


  1. Trends

Revive your Autumn/fall wardrobe staples with 20% of trends. Trends are great wardrobe updates that give your wardrobe much needed life and va-va voom. We could all do with that as the season gets darker.


●      Have you swapped your Summer to your Autumn/Fall wardrobe?

●      Do you own Wardrobe staples or even know what they are?

●      Would you like to update your wardrobe this season?

Book a FREE style discovery call with me, to discuss styling solutions, so that you are confident and wardrobe ready for Autumn Fall 2023: https://calendly.com/potentialu/style-discovery-call



Autumn Fall Wardrobe Essentials!


Packing for Your Summer Holiday